Attended my friend's wedding dinner last Saturday and I must say that this has been the second wedding dinner I've been to in my life and had learn a couple of things about life from it. Unlike anime that we see and feel, sometimes reality is kinda harsh and hits back on you pretty hard as you struggle hard to pursue your path ahead of you and finding someone who loves you the way you are. This is especially so for geeks like us who loves anime and stuff which some may despise and condemning it. The fact is that we are all still humans and we do love too. Such are especially so upon watching much of love and romance animes that made your heart skip and hoping the best in life.

While such are only fantasies, such animes give us hope, the emotions and the feelings never before felt by people who do not have a girlfriend before. And these are some of the uniqueness that draws me to anime more than soap operas or real life drama series. It's especially so because animes have a special something that attracts people and expressions that easily tell what they are feeling. What ever the case, animes brought about hope for ronery people. But of course not to the extend of marrying it but rather as a companion to keep you entertained.

Last but not least, I believe people should watch a couple of animes to understand what it actually is about instead of avoiding it like a plague it is... Thankfully, the younger generations are picking up this trend and the anime industry in Singapore is definitely growing. Was hoping to find someone who loves and will accept this hobby... Animation bonds people together, much so to fans of similar interest. Only then will we be able to cherish each other not in a world of fiction, but in reality and living life to the fullest.
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