The new Canon EOS 550D that I've bought a few months ago was the best gadget anyone would have to take stunning photographs otherwise not able to capture with just a small digital camera I'd previously owed. Whats so amazing would definitely be its 18 Megapixel which dominates almost all digital cameras around... speaking of which, the focusing is seriously sharp on close range where none of my old cameras would work when taking shots like this above...
Playing around and taking snapshots of every little thing I could find at home and also my favorite models too. One of my favs was Mina from the anime Getsumen To Heiki Mina and the ever so popular drama series called Train Man... Was totally sold out after just a few days and am glad to get this model though...
Took lots of photos but am not gonna flood my post with that many photos though... Lightings really does play a part in taking good photos in which somehow or rather my house doesn't really have during night shots... But am pretty happy wth the results the camera has brought about. The EOS 550D is also heavily advertised and promoted by Canon and is a sponsor for the Youth Olympic Games 2010 this coming year... Hopefully, there would be more sales for camera lenses so that may buy a better one for more photo-taking sessions...
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