Catastrophe Part I & Shoujo Wa Sore Wo Gaman Dekinai -rewrite- [NanoFate Doujin]

Group Scanlating:

Catastrophe, is really interesting. Fate having a kiss mark and no recollection how she got it? Possibly from Hayate, I doubt that.. Fate having dreams that Nanoha is dating Yuuno or was she dating him? I sense lots of drama in this series.

For Shoujo Wa Sore Wo Gaman Dekinai, here's the description from Instead a very fluffy story about Nanoha and Fate living together for the first time, taking place after Nanoha's accident, and before they join Riot Force 6. This doujin has the word "rewrite" at the end of its title, but is a completely new book, and can be read independently of the doujin "Shoujo wa sore wo gaman dekinai" that chronologically takes place many years before.

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Catastrophe Part I & Shoujo Wa Sore Wo Gaman Dekinai [NanoFate Doujin]
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