Sometimes Fansubbing fails and if you've read my previous post here, you should know why. But at times, subs can be thought of as obscene and funny that deviates from the actual meaning the anime wants to portray. Such an example would be the one above.

Thinking it in another manner, it almost sounded like the sister is teaching her younger brother or a sister something about adulthood. Yeah man... stretch it firmly~

Looks like they're preparing for a sound beneath the skirt where the microphone is... Are they broadcasting something obsene through the PA system?

If you can't find a suitable adult toy to pleasure yourself with, how about making do with a fresh fish just caught from the sea... same results whatsoever~

I wouldn't dare go close to that if I were you... It sounds so.... ya know...

I can only say this in a less sexist way... In terms of fruits, I say a banana and 2 rambutans... yeah...

Oh my God... No wonder ya have blisters all over your hand... Must have done it hard and long...

Your balls have gone on a journey...

it's not a secret anymore with more than a thousand viewers everywhere watching this anime...

Wow... wouldn't you love wild Cousin Yui?

Sailor Moon says its ok for such a taboo relationship...

It's a guy's job to trust into any hole...
Fansubs are generally getting better nowadays with better education and the increase of people taking up Japanese classes resulting in a demand for better quality. Which ever the case, we all should appreciate the work of such fansubbers who would go through all the trouble of recording, renting, buying the anime and translating it for the benefit of our viewing pleasure. So next time ya see a failed translation, you know what to do...
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