With the popularity of this Japanese game hitting an all time high... It seems like more artists are creating more parodies of the game cover for both the PS3 and XBOX360 version. I for one loved the cover design too but never did expect that it could very well go out of hand...
First would be a parody replaced by Hellsing characters and stuff but of the same poses as Catherine. Looks good too nonetheless...
Once again, other unknown animation is drawn with the similar poses from the game cover except with a few twists here and there...
The XBOX360 version however has another design though... But that didn't stop parodies from happening once again for this popular game... Even so, I still prefer the PS3 cover design...
Once again Gintama takes the spotlight with Catherine as the model, Gintoki and Hasegawa as the little man in a somewhat birthday suits and clinging helplessly on her skirt... Perhaps this is really something that may make you puke after comparing it with the real deal...
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It's amazing that 2D graphics have achieved a level whereby such artwork made with 3D technology has advance so much... Compared with pictures a decade back, this is certainly stunning in anyway...Don't really know who made this but it certainly looks real alright... of course I don't mean the face, but the outlining of the fabric from her clothes and even down to the strain of hair on the model. Reminds me of the CG animation movie Final Fantasy The Spirits Within...Well... whoever says 2D girls aren't nice so think twice now that CG works are getting better and better in future... Even games like those from the Eroge Company Illusion had already made games with CG engines and 3D ready... Perhaps holograms would be a dream come true too... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
I for one find this little toy pretty amusing and sushi making fans might probably like... Seems that some company decides to make sushi making into a little toy in which many could play with. It's pretty amazing how ya can make such stuff using just water and the powder given. However the case, these are none edible because of its chemical content... Nonetheless, it does look appealing even though its rather small... Such toys would probably not last because of what it's made off... Perhaps just for a short entertainment sake... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
And so the mischief continues on with 'adorable' poses using your figma figurines of Nanoha and Lelouch. Now that's one way to play with your figures...And here ya got Nagato solacing Rin... Perhaps Archer breaks her heart again for some apparent reason or another. Nevertheless, its cute to have Nendoroids dispaying facial expressions such as this.Seems like Miku joins in the fray with Fate to kill Kyon... That is seriously some crazy mix of animations ya got there... Wonder where does Miku got her sword... Poor Kyon, killed with a smile on both his murderer's faces...What do you get when you mix Kaito's dressing with Miku? Looks pretty cool though and makes me wanna do the same to my Nendoroids too... Didn't really tried mixing and match with their parts before and would probably do so some time...Gundam and Zaku battles it out on a somewhat weird location where...
Scale models are still humans and they do take a break from all that tiresome posing too in your display cabinets and cases. And some of their owners will then probably do some amazing tricks and stuff with them which is downright hilarious and a brand new way of playing with your models and figurines... And so you have lelouch doing his thing while watching something as censored in this photo above...On the backstage, Lucky Star characters do hate their own counterparts and you could even see some of them fighting for no apparent reason. And there ya see the twins laughing and taking photos of poor Konata...Oh no! Ultraman is set ablaze by an intense inferno as emitted by Haruhi... And exactly from her butt... Morale of story? Never eat something hot and spicy...Dinner is never moody with Reimu and Marisa... I just love it when they use...
Learning to drive due to the fact that the license may come in handy when I out to work. Then somehow or rather had come across these signs that gave a whole lot of another meaning to it. Kinda creative to a certain extend. Perhaps I may attempt to Itasha my car if I will to buy one in future too. Provided there would be a day till then... In any case, click on the picture to view a larger version of it... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
Episode 7 of the famous ecchi anime Oniichan No Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara Ne (I don't love my brother at all) comes as a surprise to me due to the fact that the opening theme song is replace with an English song titled 'What Is Love?' sung by Haddway. I truly did not edit this as this is what's really being aired in this latest episode...The original opening theme song title Taste of Paradise can be view here as shown above. Still can't get used to the surprising theme song for episode 7 but somehow its unique in a way or another...And the original song 'What Is Love?' sung by Haddway can be viewed here. Retro songs MTVs are weird in some sense or another. I guess we are living in the 21st century now that's why...Perhaps the most shocking one was the ending theme of Oniichan...
An ordinary day indeed last Saturday for me until I received a mail that had won a prize for a draw and any ordinary kid would just go 'wahhh' in such circumstances. Known as Hobby Frontier, this online shop specializes in selling merchandises like scale models, figurines to anime goodies, etc. It comes as a surprise for me to won something on the net because I never did before in my entire life. Anyway, a special thanks to the people of Hobby Frontier for this amazing prize.Received it yesterday evening and I must say, it's a little bgger than I would expected it to be. I saw this model being displayed in the Anime Festival Asia X convention held last year and was pretty much drawn by it... But because of its hefty prize tag, there's really nothing I could do unless I decided to crack more of my...
This puzzle solving genre game titled Catherine had certainly been set sights by artists around to create a parody of it. I had yet to played this game before but from what I'd heard is that the puzzles are certainly difficult as hell and even the most veteran players couldn't very much complete it with ease. Leaving at that, the game cover is used to create something similar with other anime characters...The very first would be from the anime Gintama where Hasegawa Taizou is being gobbled by Catherine's blossom... Perhaps a bit worse than the Catherine in the game... The cover and design totally resembles the one above except the looks are more hideous...I totally had no idea what this anime is but it seems like a fan art or something with the exact similar poses but of different characters and name... Perhaps this looks to be the most...
It's quite rare to see models posing with scale models of the very same kind. And even more rare to see a model cosplaying the exact same costume as Suzumiya Haruhi and her black bunny suit. Even better is that she looks about the same as her toy counterparts...Whoever says 3D is bad should reconsider this... seriously... Perhaps this would change much of your thoughts...Unfortunately the popularity of Suzumiya Haruhi has been dwindling ever since the new season's animes are up. Probably much of the fans now look up to Kirino Kousaka and other animes airing now... Maybe if you're fortunate enough, someone may just cosplay as this in some conventions happening around the world... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
Its bound to happen that the famous board game of all would come into anime customizations with the help of Touhou fan artists. Nicely done I must say and could even be used as a real Monopoly game board... Just simple click on the picture to enlarge and print it out. lol. Monopoly has certainly come a long way and had most certainly played it when I was a kid. Though the original board looks like this, Monopoly has come into collaboration with many popular titles such as Star Wars to Transformers to create a board game of such. Well whatever the case, the Touhou version kinda looks nice... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
With the success of other zombie or apocalyptic games like Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising to Dead Space, it seems like a new type of survival horror game is in the works somehow. Titled Dead Island, the apocalypse now takes place on an island resort. Not much other details are given though expect that this would be another FPS game. It is yet unclear when will this game be release but it would be the next best thing in zombie warfare after Left 4 Dead. Hopefully, there would be more reviews on such in the coming days ahead. Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
Emoticons (emotional icons) are used to compensate for the inability to convey voice inflections, facial expressions, and bodily gestures in written communication. Some emoticons are better known as "smileys." Emoticons can be very effective toward avoiding misinterpretation of the writer's intents. In Japan, such emoticons known as Kaomoji Emotions are quite a norm in messages as a better way of expressing one's thought or feelings. Like they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. Some examples are as seen below...m(_ _)m – I’m sorry. If you look good you’ll see a man nodding his head. (^_^)/ – I’m excited. (^_^;) – I’m uncomfortable/embarrassed. A man with a drop of sweat on his face. (>^_^)> ( ;_;) <(^_^<) – several emoticons together meaning two friends hugging their crying friend, or actually laughing at him. >_< – Something on my mind. T_T – crying. @_@ – puzzled. =^.^= – a cat.There...
Anime and such aren't just popular in Japan, but also to other parts of the world as well. One such example would be Finland where this news and documentary titled Uutimixi tells us about the increasing popularity of this culture in their own country and such has led to fashions such as Lolita outfits and such worn there. Sometimes just thinking about it is amazing... And to think many people weren't very much in tune with the Japanese culture... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...
With Valentine's Day, manga artists scrambled to get their artworks of anime characters done with chocolates at hand. Probably because it is known that there would be people still being single on that day and a virtual imaginary girl giving chocolates would be the way to go to give some love to them... how ronery... But even so in this occasion, there are plenty of artworks worth looking for as some were pretty nice indeed.And definitely for all K-On! fans... Wouldn't you love it if Azusa gave you some chocolates?Anime To Aru Majutsu No Index. Probably one of the best side stories beside Railgun.Infinite Stratos gets people to envy the main character really much due to his situation in which many guys would want.Even if you gotta dream something bad, probably Yumekui Merry would help ya in your sleep. A chocolate isn't so bad too... Free Template Blogger collection...