J's Chimes: Happy 2011

J's Chimes wishes all a very happy new year! Time flies and its already 2011... New Year resolutions anyone? Hopefully this would be a good year for me as there are plenty of happenings that seriously rocked my life last year that wasn't really pleasant to begin with. Wished everything will go smoothly this year just as the horoscopes have mention...lol. Anyway, have a good day ahead of you...
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J's Chimes: Cleaning Clearing Models....

It's the time of year once again and had decided to do a major spring cleaning of my cabinets that houses my scale models and figures. It is wise to check your models and clean them occasionally because it might be stained or dirtied after exposing to the environment, which is especially so in Singapore because of its wet and humid weather.I just had to take out and clean every single one of the models, figures and Gashapons that I had. Just as mentioned before about how PVCs may melt overtime, it is wise to clean it so that further damage would not occur to your hard earned models... This is especially so to gashapons as they are made of poor quality plastic materials that may melt overtime when exposed to the environment...After which, I would rearrange the placement of the Gashapons at the bottom of the display cabinet....

J's Chimes: TA-Q-BIN

TA-Q-BIN is a courier service based in Japan but had recently establish itself in the Singapore market. I only got to know of this company back when they had displayed their services at the Anime Festival Asia X (AFAX) back in November 2010. A survey was done to allow more people to get to know about TA-Q-BIN and a gift will be sent to them upon completion of the survey. Well it had finally arrived at my doorstep yesterday and am eager to open up the contents...Was rather happy with the service as they would message you about the product date of arrival and will call you on that day of delivery. Rather smooth transaction which is similar to Speedpost in Singapore. But sad to say I would rarely use this service because ain't really got anything bulky to send or received in Singapore, not to mention overseas... (Unless......

J's Chimes: Time For A Drive...

Late posts nowadays? That's probably because am learning to drive now starting this month at the Bukit Batok Driving Center in Singapore. Too much Itasha influence too also resulted in me wanting to get a license too so that I could one day own a car and start scribbling it too with some anime characters... Well perhaps it's still too early to say since there's a sudden increase in car taxes and expenses in Singapore. Even so it's still vital for me to get a license so that it would be beneficial i future and when I wanna get my car to have a complete makeover... lol. Danny Choo here I come! Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Capsule Hotels

Capsule Hotels are unique in Japan because of the rooms that guests checks in and offers a cheaper alternative for those staying for a night. Hotels are really expensive in Japan and especially so in busy areas like Central Tokyo. Thus to maximize usage, Capsule Hotels offer guests a room in a shape of space capsules and basic amenities for a night's stay.A typical example of a capsule room is as shown above where guests climb into their rooms or known as pods. These rooms are design just enough for you to sleep inside comfortably for the night. However these area is shared between other guests so it might get a bit noisy at times.An example of space limitations for a simple capsule room. Perfect for anyone who just needs a night of sleep and traveling. Seriously why spend more for a hotel stay when you could have this...

J's Chimes: When Management Meets Manga

Surprisingly, Peter Drucker; a management guru, has somehow blend into the Japanese culture as a book by Natsumi Iwasaki. A pure coincidence maybe since am doing a Management Degree too. I guess management practices will soon be a hit in Japanese animes prompt the industry to go into that genre real soon... But who knows? But whether or not the public would accept this is another story... Click on the picture to read more about it. Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Reaching You Live...

With the second season of Kimi No Todoke announced coming next year, let's look back into the previous storyline in part 1. Well it seems like the first season has received great popularity that it has become a live action movie in Japan. Somehow or rather this wasn't shown in other countries though. Anyhow, this is the trailer for Kimi Ni Todoke back quite some time ago.The live action movie trailer is more or less the same as the anime and in comparison, the female lead actress for Kuronuma Sawako resembles a lot. But it's just too bad this movie wasn't shown elsewhere... In any case, season 2 is coming real soon after this season's anime so am looking forward to it... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: A Ronery Christmas

Christmas is supposedly a day of joy and giving but to ronery people out there, it may be somewhat of a sad day where you'd would probably be celebrating at home with your anime characters. Couples wouldn't probably understand why and think these are creepy...Some would go to the extend of purchasing a sumptuous meal to ease their loneliness and indulge, while other worship their favorite anime characters and spend this special day with them.Don someone with dakimakura and you'd get an anime character in 3D right in your house to celebrate with.... What a great ideal. Somehow or rather, KFC is pretty popular as a christmas meal...It somehow even looks like a praying altar now that you mention it... Well, this is the life of a single guy without any girlfriends to celebrate with... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Happay Christmas Eve Greetings

Today's Christmas Eve, so have you bought your presents yet or prepare to have a sumptuous meal and party all night long till tomorrow? 2010 is ending real soon and looking back, one could only wonder what the future might hold. Anyway let's keep our heads up high and look forward to celebrating and wishing all the best for the days ahead... And more good animes to be aired real soon... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Cupboard Gundam

Someone has extremely lots of free time and decided to make a Gundam out of ordinary cupboard boxes. Surprisingly, it turns out really well for a mere USD$25. I seriously do not know how he did it because cupboard boxes are quite fragile and bulky pieces to work with. Not to mention it doesn't really last long...Well what ever the case, this is really awesome as its posable and looks fantastic and detailed. However the case, this is not a cosplay but just a statue but with works like this, nothing really comes close... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Animes Worth Waiting For...

1.) FreezingThe coming season will be a killer with plenty of nice animes coming your way. And amazingly, the manga 'freezing' is apparently in the list as an upcoming anime. Been waiting for this a long time just like Highschool of the Dead.2.) Kimi Ni Todoke 2Yup, it's back again! The ever so popular and romantic anime that even had a live action drama is back with season 2. A definite must watch because the storyline is really nice. So now's the time to watch season one for those who had yet to watch it.There are also plenty of new animes coming up next season. However I really do not have any idea of what these will be but they are some of the popular ones that are most anticipated for 2011.3.) Puella Magi Madoka Magica4.) Yumekui Merry5.) Go Sick6.) IS (Infinite Stratos)7.) Dragon Crisis!8.) Level E9.) Kore wa...

J's Chimes: Season Anime Ends

This season's end is fast approaching and most animes will end either this week or the next. Popular animes like Ore No Imouto had already ended and many others will follow. However the fate of anime lies in the balance with only 2 more seasons to go until June where the new ordinance will kicked in to restrict adult themed animes from appearing. So it's best to enjoy them while ya still can and hope for a miracle to happen... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: The Difference between 2D And 3D...

Unless you are born rich, charismatic, good-looking or masculine, you would probably be able to get a beautiful girl on the left. But mostly, this isn't the case with people like us. And as such, 2D anime would be the only option for a girlfriend that could accompany you at home. Much of these examples could well be seen in love simulation games in the market. So what exactly are the differences between 2D and 3D girls?1.) Proportions - You could probably get the right 3 sizes of your favorite girl with little flaws...2.) Personality - From Tsundere to Yandere, Cute to Bossy types, you could get your favorite in these games...3.) Money & Dating - Ya don't need to spend a single cent on dates and stuff. (Except the price of your game and electricity bills)4.) Feelings - Somehow or rather, 2D doesn't betray you. (Unless you got...

J's Chimes: Console Gaming

It's been a long time since I've touch my game consoles and would probably be spending some time playing my xbox 360 these days. Bought Final Fantasy 13 just recently so thought of trying it out. Yup, regardless of many bad reviews and stuff, I'd still bought it due to the fact that Final Fantasy had been with me for a long time since childhood. Hopefully it doesn't turn out just as bad as the reviews... Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals SEO ...

J's Chimes: Japan Love Hotels

Ever wonder what love hotels would look like inside? Well surprisingly, it's not your average hotels in which you would see when you travel. The interiors are so well furnished and attractive that it would amazed you with each room you visit. Yup, the rooms are furnished into many different themes and taste preferences according to customers demands... One such example would be this Hello Kitty above.Even the common corridor is well furnished and look different. Perhaps to get people into the mood and arouse your excitement?There are seriously many different themes in each room and one such would be this cage-in bed which sort of gives an SM theme to it. Talk about creativity...And if you'd like to reminisce your childhood past, how about a room which reassembles a carousel? I didn't even know they could actually do that in a small room... The bathrooms are also uniquely...

J's Chimes: Creative & Humorous Condom Ads

One of the most least talked about topic would be sex due to the fact that Singapore is a very much conservative country. And even if you do, there certainly will be stares around you and people would be disgusted about this. However so, condoms have a very long history and first developed about 90 years ago and were made with many different types of materials. Not to mention different sizes, fit, flavor... er, you get the point. Anyway, let's just look into 10 ads that would surely lift your eyebrows...Well, Durex fits all sizes as depicted on the ad... The third person is probably the strangest of all that's for sure...Looks kinda pure and innocent but you should get the picture what it's trying to say... For others, let's just say that is a very long pencil with toy on it's tip...There's only one word to describe a...